They control the subconscious mind through various symbols and frequency of sounds. It is apparent that television is the obvious case for controlling the public's opinion, now in the internet age, people or artificial intelligence is selected to run various psychological programming operations on various social media sites. All a direct assault on the mind of the individual that has no idea these things are occurring under their noses. When their is an assault on the mind there is an assault on the soul. The elite use certain symbols and words to ignite inner feelings and thoughts that can be harnessed for their own rituals while destroying your soul. By obtaining this ritualistic dominance over society, they further themselves in their own spiritual journey, while those that don't know the truth are caught in the cycle of destruction. They are lost because there temple is being destroyed by the ruling class, through our water, food, and media.
We are supposed to harness this great temple that the creator gave us, to perfect our mind so that there is better control of the thoughts and reactions you have, to encourage instead of corrupt, to progress us with our own spiritual journey now and in the afterlife, to make a better future for our generations, but how can we do it when we are constantly spending time focusing on other people like what (insert celebrity name here) did.We are controlled by corporations around the world that intend to harm innocent people for power and dominance of their physical and spiritual make-up.
Let people know what's going on. Be more involved in your local and federal government. Say your opinion to change people's life. Do it because you can! Don't be tempted by earthly matters!
Until next time, Wholeness and Balance to all.
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