Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Body Language

To understand is to be understood, to listen is to be heard. When we communicate to each other it is a highway of information being shared back and forth. Not only through words, but of course our facial features and our body positions. Most of the communication is done by our face, it has less to do with the words we speak. Furthermore, the tone and pitch you have is less significant from the body language you carry around. Body language is often overlooked, however we take notice to it everyday. In order to be an effective communicator, you must master the art of body language.

Mastering body language takes time. It takes time because people usually do not think how their body is positioned while talking. They are more focused with what they want to say rather than the position they are in. To be an effective communicator you must notice the position of your body each time before you talk. If you are having a conversation with a good friend, you will not try to close yourself up, meaning crossing your arms, no direct eye contact, and not the slightest bit of facial features. No, when you talk to a good friend, you open up, you look at them directly, and you smile. As an emotionally driven creature, we communicate emotionally to others through our body. Taking notice to all the minute details of the body is to understand yourself and the other person. You must have understood yourself, before you can understand other people. Body language makes people understand you better and it makes them want to listen to you. Having a good body language is something we should all strive for, regardless of what job you may have. Communication knows no boundaries. 

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