Sunday, October 18, 2015

Technique to Control Thoughts

When we are alone a communication network goes on internally. Fundamentally, we act on flight or fight responses that make us either choose to fight the threat in front of you, or run away. Today, the threat of physical is much less prevalent than the threat of the internal. Internal warfare goes on in some each and everyday. We are constantly battling an unseen foe, that is- the future. You see, when we make a decision essentially as creature we always look towards the future; this is a gift and a curse from nature. We are the only species that is able to forecast into the future and plan ahead. This can either lead you to carry out your plans, or fall short of them.

Basically, the choices you make is a result of the physiological perspective your mind is holding at the time. In order to master the power of choice, you must first change your perspective about your thoughts. You must shift your perspective into thinking that your thoughts are coming from an outside source, much like how a radio receives radio waves.

Just like a radio you are allowed to scan through the many choices(stations) your mind has, when one sounds good, you leave at that. However, one must make a distinction between the thoughts they have and how they feel personally. By making this distinction we allowing ourselves to gain better control on our thoughts, realizing they are foreign from us and our core beliefs, resulting in better choices.

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