Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Practicing gratitude starts with appreciation for things that exist on Earth. Having a sense of appreciation for every person, every insect, every plant, every single matter, is key to progressing and moving forward. We all come from the same origin here on Earth; everything has its earthly purpose, it is your job to appreciate those purposes regardless of the circumstances or situation.

As you practice gratitude in this plane of existence, to the things around, you will notice that many of things that life has to offer provides an introspection and lesson for yourself.

You will learn to accept and be thankful for the situations that you experienced thus far, because they made you the person you are today. And if you want to change yourself, start practicing gratitude with yourself. Thank yourself for not giving up and actually wanting to change. Foster your seed of change. Water that seed with gratitude. 


  1. I have recently started to blog and stumbled upon yours. I love it. Beautiful concept.
